Lower your bills with solar!

Solar panels installed on your home save you money, increase your property value and reduce your carbon footprint.

How much are you spending on your bills?

Average American households spend a significant portion of their income on their electric bill. Now you can save, and your savings can go towards your annual Vacation fund! Your Solar investment can save you tens of thousands of dollars over its lifetime.

The most secure investment

Even the best stocks are risky investments. The price of gold, which is considered the safest investment, can fluctuate too and you can lose your hard-earned money.
With solar you can only win, as your return on investment is backed by a performance guarantee!

Are you concerned about Climate Change?

More and more scientific research shows that the increased number of forest fires can be attributed to climate change. California experienced its 5 hottest years on record between 2014 and 2018. In 2017, multiple temperature records were broken. Everyone knows that Los Angeles has one of the worst air quality among cities worldwide.

Have your children’s and grandchildren’s future in mind!

Besides the immediate effects of climate change, we must recognize the long-term consequences, which will be the future generation’s problem to solve. We might not realize today but our usable area of farmland is shrinking while deserts grow. It might not seem like a real threat today, but water and food shortages may be on the horizon.

A Solar system provides a solution for each problem we face

Don’t just dream about solar, make it happen!

This is why solar is a solid investment

Your home solar energy system can significantly reduce your monthly bills. By genetrating your own electricity, you can save money without sacrificing your lifestyle. Your new solar energy system can help increase your standard of living! You can enjoy a meaningful return on investment on your solar system.

We can stop Global Warming!

Even though Jerry Brown signed legislation relating to climate change in June, 2017, we can only notice its effects in future decades. By investing in your own home solar energy system, you will also help reducing carbon emissions. Join the fight against climate change! Help reduce your carbon footprint by going solar!

Does your neighbour already have Solar?

Join the solar community! You can free yourself from utility with your own solar system.


Who is it for?

For those smart people…

  • who want to lower their expenses,
  • who want to increase their property values,
  • who want to fight Climate Change,
  • who value the future of their loved ones,
  • and who love good decisions.


Who is it NOT for?

For those sceptical people…

  • who would watch our earth being destroyed,
  • who love to pay for things that they do not have to,
  • who do not care about their children’s future,
  • who would contribute to Climate Change,
  • and who prefer bad decisions.

Free iPad

Don’t forget, we provide a free iPad for all of our customers.

What happens after I provide the details?

1. MyEnergyUS team will calculate the size of your solar system.
2. They will provide the optimal cost!
3. They will send our proposal!

Your home solar system will save you money, increase your property value and lowers the carbon emissions.


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1835 San Pablo Dr., San Marcos, CA 92078

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